Effortless HS Classification for Global Trade

Harness the power of customs data and AI to seamlessly classify your products, reduce compliance risks, and expedite customs processes, all with unmatched accuracy and efficiency.

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  • Multilingual query

Elevate Your Trade Operations with Precision and Speed


Leverage state-of-the-art technology to achieve unmatched precision in product classification. Our AI-driven tool ensures compliance and significantly reduces the risk of penalties by delivering consistent, accurate HS code assignments.


Accelerate your customs processes with lightning-fast HS code classification powered by AI. Save valuable time, enhance efficiency, and keep your operations running smoothly with our automated system designed for speed and accuracy.


Rely on consistent, high-quality classification backed by the latest machine learning advancements. Improve documentation accuracy, reduce customs delays, and ensure seamless cross-border operations with our dependable solution.

How Our Classification Tool Works

Simply enter your product description using clear, straightforward language. Could be in your native language.

Our advanced AI algorithms analyze your product details against our proprietary databases, ensuring the assignment of the most accurate HS codes.

Examine the suggested classifications and make any necessary adjustments to your query for complete accuracy.

Who Are We?

We are a diverse team of trade professionals, customs experts, classification specialists, and AI innovators from China, the US, Germany, and Switzerland, united by a common goal: to simplify global trade. Our collective expertise and shared vision have led to the creation of a powerful, user-friendly, and affordable tool designed to navigate the complexities of international trade. By bridging the gap between intricate trade requirements and cutting-edge technology, we make sophisticated product classification accessible to everyone. We believe in turning challenges into opportunities, empowering businesses to thrive in the evolving landscape of global commerce. Join us as we lead the way into the future of trade, where simplicity and innovation come together.



Find everything you want to know about our HS Classification service. If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

HS classification involves categorizing goods into one or more of over 5,000 Harmonized System (HS) codes used internationally for customs and trade purposes. This process requires a deep understanding of product properties, familiarity with classification rules, and extensive experience in this highly specialized skill. Our AI-driven tool simplifies this process by accurately determining the HS code based on the product description you provide, at a fraction of the cost typically charged by classification specialists.
We currently offer classification at the Harmonized System 6-digit level because these codes are internationally compatible and can be used in any country. Beyond the HS 6-digit code, each country has its own additional codes. Our system achieves a very high rate of accuracy at the 6-digit level by using multiple databases from different countries, which can only be consolidated at this level of detail. Once you have the correct 6-digit code, it is relatively easy to find the corresponding 8 or 10-digit codes by consulting national tariff books.
To start using our service, simply register with your email address on our website and subscribe to one of our free or paid plans. Once registered, you can log in and immediately begin entering product descriptions to receive their HS codes. No personal information is required for registration or subscription. Payment is handled by the third-party payment service provider, Stripe.
The product descriptions you entered and classification results provided by our tool are stored to continually improve the accuracy and efficiency of our service. We use this data exclusively for service enhancement and do not disclose or sell any information to third parties.

Beta Testing Invitation

We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the beta testing of our groundbreaking AI-powered HS classification service. This innovative tool utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to precisely determine the correct Harmonized System (HS) codes for your products, making the classification process more efficient and ensuring compliance with international trade regulations. By joining our beta testing program, you’ll gain exclusive early access to this cutting-edge technology before its official launch. Your insights and feedback will play a crucial role in helping us refine and enhance the service to better meet your needs. Best of all, participation in the beta is entirely free, requires no credit card, and comes with no obligations. Don’t miss this opportunity to help shape the future of HS classification—sign up today!

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